速報APP / 商業 / Vihaipi - the place to be

Vihaipi - the place to be



檔案大小:32.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Vihaipi - the place to be(圖1)-速報App

Vihaipi App is « The Place to Be » for everyone. It is the place to be yourself and do whatever you want, wherever you want, with who you want, and is designed for « Real Relationship », not for « Virtual Friendship ».

Vihaipi - the place to be(圖2)-速報App

It is a blogging apps for all users to post their feelings about the cities and places they are visiting or they have visited. They can put comments, likes and follow the authors of each post.

Vihaipi - the place to be(圖3)-速報App

They can download a free travel book from the website with all the contents and monuments, ideas and information provided by vihaipi.com and include the last postings made by the other users on their vihaipi blog, or only the posts of users they are following.

Vihaipi - the place to be(圖4)-速報App

They can also use the apps to meet interesting people during their trip or in their everyday life by chossing the groups of people they want to be part of, be invitated to events, shows and exhibitions which happens in different places they are visiting around the world, and easily find the best places to meet people, get information, do some shopping and enjoy the city they are visiting or they are living in.

Vihaipi - the place to be(圖5)-速報App
